by lobsterbird | Feb 27, 2019
The Glorious (and Gory) Story Being sent on a Spirit Quest to do seva (service) for the Asian Elephants of Thailand, I had little idea of what that meant. I had only a remembrance that I had been there 10 years ago. At that time, my heart was calling me to ride an...
by lobsterbird | Jun 8, 2017
i was encouraged to practice brevity by an internet marketing expert. this is my poetic response. Stuck in CyberSamsara that we abbreviate our lives AWOL IMHO we’re not fully here now. WWJD? he’d give a proper speech say a prayer deliver us from evil AMEN. uhhhhhh BRB...
by lobsterbird | May 4, 2017
May the 4th Be With You!!! Welcome to Save the World: Star Wars Edition yes, that is an internet meme. it is also the story of my life. it is also entirely possible that you, too, can yield the Force, destroy evil and save the Universe. read on, young Jedi, and all...
by lobsterbird | Oct 18, 2016
i am cracking up because of the title of this post, but it’s true! i was interviewed for ArtBiz Wizard Alexis Fedor’s podcast and when i was describing the following opportunity for transformation, she exclaimed, “This is exactly what I wish for—to...
by lobsterbird | Jun 20, 2016
hello mighty readership! i write to you from the backyards of Harlem, which are less gritty city, more birds singing in the backyard to accompany the dance of dogs and cats rolling in the grass. i am here for a few weeks housesitting for my friends Annie and Seth...
by lobsterbird | Jan 2, 2016
i lived in Colorado for five months out of this past year, a tremendous change from living in metropolises like New York City and Tokyo, as i have primarily lived for over a decade. i was mostly stationed in the mystical land of Crestone, a unique and powerful place...
by lobsterbird | Dec 27, 2015
this holiday season, i am contemplating presence and how that may be the only gift we ever really need to give. my sister, Alicia, and i were up late wrapping presents on Christmas Eve. while this is not unusual, i congratulated myself on being ahead of schedule on...
by lobsterbird | Nov 18, 2015
“Would you feel better if we left, Fletcher?” asked Jonathan. “I certainly wouldn’t object too much if we did …” Instantly they stood together a half-mile away, and the flashing beaks of the mob closed on empty air. “Why is it,” Jonathan puzzled, “that the...
by lobsterbird | Oct 20, 2015
Always in motion is the future. ~ Yoda, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back ~ three days ago would have signaled my 12th anniversary of moving to NYC. today i found this draft from September 16th, 2012 (written just a month shy of my 9th anniversary of moving...
by lobsterbird | Sep 20, 2015
Most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight—how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than anything...
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