i lived in Colorado for five months out of this past year, a tremendous change from living in metropolises like New York City and Tokyo, as i have primarily lived for over a decade. i was mostly stationed in the mystical land of Crestone, a unique and powerful place that is home to various spiritual centers of varying faiths and practices. (i just found this amazing article about Crestone while researching a link for you: Shambala of the Rockies: The Mythos and Power of Crestone. the writer captures its spirit so well.) i also traveled often to Ward, Colorado, which brought me to places like Boulder, Denver, Loveland, Fort Collins, and more.
in my previous life, i was a multimedia artist based in the city. my primary discipline was something akin to performance art. i resisted organized religion and had no specific spiritual affiliation. in this new and unexpected life in Colorado, i found myself working in construction and practicing Reiki. all of a sudden, i was a Buddhist helping to build a temple, attending teachings and communing with nature. i reveled in quiet and solitude, which was never one of my defining personality characteristics. i stumbled upon a whole new life that was both magical and rewarding.
many people have asked me how i ended up in Colorado living a life so seemingly different from the one before. the month leading up to my time there was like being on a magical mystery bus with a lobster trap dangling from the roof. this little lobsterbird held on with one claw while flapping a wing and feeling the wind course throughout its body. below is the story—a three part series called “Where the Heart Is.” it brings me great joy to share it with you:
Where the Heart Is, Part 1
setting sail on a pilgrimage: Lobsterbird spreads its wings once again.
Where the Heart Is, Part 2
finding peace in life release: saving lobsters’ lives in Maine.
Where the Heart Is, Part 3
building a home in the sky: converting groundlessness to spaciousness.