The Hero’s Way
✨Develop the clarity and confidence
to break free
from the role you’ve been told to play
and do the work you’re here to do✨
A guided process for serving the world in alignment with your soul’s calling

You’re probably what I call “multi prismatic”—creative, curious, open to what life has to offer, yielding a wide variety of skills, interests, passions, and maybe even abilities that you sense are there but aren’t 100% sure of?
You’re probably smart, and maybe even so smart that you “chameleoned” yourself into a respectable career and convinced yourself that was okay…until now.
Perhaps you were even successful doing something you love, but now it’s morphing and evolving into something totally unknown as of yet.
Maybe you were so crafty you’ve evaded the “real” world for a long time, finding ways to get by and make your art…but now you realize you could put those powers to use aligned with your soul’s calling.
Either way, you know now that you can channel your energy into that thing that you are here on the planet meant for. Something that helps change the world for the better. And you sense that’s the only true way to attain vibrant health and financial freedom—it’s on your own terms.
No more can we sacrifice ourselves on the altar of responsibility. Instead we must take full responsibility for our own energy and boldly create what’s calling forth from our hearts.
If this is you, my friend, you’re in the right place. The world needs us more than ever. And you have a unique path to your creative sovereignty. Sometimes we need a friend to walk that path with us. Someone who has been down this road before and can help us see our potential and the clarity of the steps we need to take. Frodo didn’t throw the ring into the fires of Mordor solo. There’s a whole fellowship of Heroes waiting to support you to do what might otherwise seem impossible.

We take a rare multiprismatic approach that allows you to:
✨be who you are fully
✨do only what is inspired and required (it’s less than you think!)
✨realize your purpose and potential
✨live the life you dream of
✨serve the world with your unique medicine and gifts!
You will learn to do everything in tune with your biorhythms (including those of the earth and cosmos) in a clear way that flows with your own unique energy stream.
That starts by getting clear on the possibilities (which happen through the Hero’s Way process), energy work, unearthing imaginative breakthroughs, and learning business fun-damentals. Then, you choose the most aligned and efficient course of action to embark on right away.
This is the sustainable path to financial freedom. There are a lot of “business coaches” and “internet gurus” who will try to sell you x, y, z and promise you that it will work. Honestly, most of it is a bunch of BS.
The only thing that’s going to work is learning what everyone needs to know to start a business (ironically, not a lot of people are actually teaching this stuff – the part that is fun, clarifying, and is a healing process unto itself.) Coupled with commitment to your unique path of inspired action. Seriously, that’s all it takes.
I’m not going to promise you’ll “make 6 figures in 6 weeks!” Although you might! Depends on your karma and personal path.
There’s tons of programs out there that will promise that. Who knows, they very well might work for some people. But everyone is going to use testimonials from the few who achieve absurd success. I know because I’ve been one of those testimonials. I’ve also seen people struggling on the other side and left behind in favor of systems that don’t work for everyone. So my approach allows for you to have your own version of success at your own pace.
You will attain the peace, ease, and confidence to know that you can handle anything that comes your way. You will be supported in every way. You will thrive in your own presence and magic.
You are the wormhole you’ve been waiting for.💫

I only work with people who aren’t bewitched by all that razzle dazzle. Who truly want to create something wildly fulfilling that serves the world—which means it has to be sustainable for our financial lives and the ecosystem at large.
You may have even come onto this planet with the notion that “I am here to help save the world.”
Know this: that was not delusion. That was you connected to your deep knowing that you are here for a very specific reason.
The creatives, dreamers, visionaries, healers, and way-finders—that’s who I’m meant to serve. I know I’m speaking to the few and far between. The ones that can see through the spectacle and feel a genuine calling to co-create from their hearts.
If that’s you and you need the support and training so that you can be a sovereign creative innovating a new way, I’m here for you as a guide and this is the course to take.
Our journey together includes:
✨The Hero’s Way digital course: the critical business fun-damentals that are both enjoyable and are largely missing from many entrepreneurial programs. (I know cuz I’ve taken them!)
✨Energy work that is the critical basis for success in any endeavor—be it your business, health, relationships, or life. (I created this specifically because I saw this lacking in all of the biz trainings I encountered.)
✨A LIVE Mushroom Pilgrimage—whaaaaat!?
✨Personal support from me on group calls.
✨Individual support tailored to your needs in our group.
✨Community support in our group forum, so you can heartstorm the path and actions that are most aligned for you to take.
✨The support is unlimited and ends only if you want it to!
✨A customized step-by-step plan so you can emerge into the world as the hero of your own story, ready to lovingly transform the status quo and attain financial freedom while doing it.
Seriously, no coach teach person offers the level of support I do. It’s because we’re freaking magical and I love you and know you will succeed on your own terms!
Do you dare answer the call to the greatest Hero’s Journey ever?
Your journey begins upon acceptance of your application. Click the button below to ask any questions or if you know you’re ready to embark. ✨💕✨
The Hero’s Way Update for 2022!
i haven’t offered this journey since 2020 and wow has the entrepreneurial and societal landscape shifted and changed. so much insight has come through to help spirit-centered creatives unlock their own unique gifts and medicine that is much-needed in this wild new world!
this coaching journey will provide all the current moment practical tools to start and cultivate a dream business +++ divine feminine balancing and beyond the binary Aquarian future-forward insight into our collective becoming—revealing both the inspired practical easy action steps + the deep healing and support needed so that you can literally be the change you wish to see in the world!
PLUS, it involves an in-person pilgrimage to commune with our mushroom ancestors and allies. (legally and safely and mind-freaking blowingly transformationally ✨🤯🙃💫)
if you are curious as to how this is possible and want to work together, click here and get on the waitlist and be the first to know: The Hero’s Way and Mushroom Pilgrimage

check out this video
if you want to hear more
about the magic we’re activating
and how this might be the thing your soul is asking for
this video
illuminates the details
about everything else you were wondering
and how this can support you to do what you came on this planet to do
we find ourselves in scary times
this video shares
why this is coming up
and how to utilize these times so you can thrive
Ask any questions you have here:
It's Really Okay to Follow Your Dreams
The only way we can do this is together.